Monday, October 15, 2012

Retaining Water from Exercise

I get very discouraged when I do not see any weight loss especially after staying within my food points and giving my all exercising. Today I weighed in at the same as last week. I feel like I have been gaining and losing the same pound over and over for 5 weeks now! I am just not budging from the area of 210.

I am trying to pinpoint the problem so that I don't get discouraged this time. Yesterday morning I weighed (yes I weigh in everyday) at 208.4 and then I did some weight lifting in the Chalene Extreme burn series and today weighed in at 211 at 7am and 209.5 at 10am. I am working on this but I currently get up at 7am and get my 2nd grader off to school then go back to bed.

This is my first week doing weightlifting. I woke up pretty sore today and my research this morning says that sore muscles=water retention. As much as 2-4lbs! It also appears that this weight gain can stick for about 2 weeks before showing a decrease.

Everyone knows exercise is important to weight loss and looking good, but it is discouraging that I can lose weight faster without it.

I have been closely monitoring my measurements though and I have lost 1.5" in my waist in the last 5 days and .5" in my stomach area. So this is improvement! This is enough to keep me going and motivated and hopefully the scale will creep downward next week instead of staying steady. I am so eager to break 200 lbs!

Here are some websites that encouraged me to keep exercising even though I am retaining water and not losing weight.

Average people weighing in on water retention
Retain water after exercise

Overall the best way to fix this water retention is to drink more water! I have decided to create a checklist and put it next to the sink so that I can check off each time I refill. I have not been keeping track just felt like I was drinking enough.

Some people have found that buying one huge water bottle and marking lines on it with times of the day next to them to make sure you are drinking enough throughout the day. However I prefer fresh cold water from the tap so I just need a checklist.
Idea and picture from Fitness and Frozen Grapes

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