Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Weight Watchers Points Plus

Does not work for me!

I mentioned yesterday that I have been gaining and losing the same pound over and over, so I did a little research on the Points Plus plan and found out that this is happening to a LOT of people. It seems the new system allows too many points compared to the old one. I really liked the old system, I lost weight consistently and it kept me motivated. I was excited to start WW again. On the old system I lost 4 lbs the first week then 1-2 every week after as long as I stuck to points even when I ate a little too much I still lost. Now I haven't seen any results. Maybe one pound in 5 weeks. Very frustrating!

So I found a new and FREE app on my ipad called MyFitnessPal. It is a calorie counter so it will work with my BodyBugg. What is really cool about it besides that it is free is that you can scan barcodes from food instead of imputing everything. I think this would be easier on a phone but is still doable with the ipad. You can also create recipes like WW. That is important to me because I cook for a family of 6 and need to be able to know what a portion is. I do not want to have to cook a separate meal for myself.

I am still playing with the program, but I think this plan is going to work better for me this time. The BodyBugg I wear everyday tells me how many calories I burn in a day, so it makes sense to count the calories I eat not points.

so true

My goal is still to eat 2000 calories, burn 2650 and breastfeed for 400. For a deficit of about 1000 calories a day. I have been able to reach my goal of 2650 everyday except one since I started and most days I go 200-300 over my target, so I may have to increase my intake a little so my body will get what it needs.

What concerns me is that the BodyBugg is only 90% accurate. That means if I actually only burn 90% of 2650 or 2385 calories then I am actually overeating 300 calories. This still means a weight loss of 1.8 pounds a week though. Going over my target a little everyday should get me closer to 2 lbs a week.

I can't wait to see how week 1 goes! The scale already said 207.5 today!

A little motivation for the day:
Nice blog for fitness motivation.

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