Thursday, October 25, 2012


Right now I am dripping in sweat because I just finished my workout, but I am feeling very sluggish. I didn't give it my all and I didn't even start until 4pm because I wanted a nap instead. This is unusual. Ever since I have started I have had consistent energy and didn't feel the need to nap.

Am I burning out?

Or am I eating crappy food?

I think it is #2. I have had a lot of extra calories to eat and I have been filling them with junk food like ice cream and nutty bars. This needs to stop!

I have my first hurtle this weekend. I am going downstate to visit family and will not be able to exercise. I am hoping that I will be more active throughout the day and will still meet my goal. Another problem is the local store has awesome pizza and that is usually what we eat all weekend. If it's not pizza it's their homemade hotdogs. I also don't get much sleep and end up drinking Mountain Dew for energy.

My goal:
Eat healthy this weekend to keep energy up instead of junky food and Mountain Dew.

Will update Monday.

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