Friday, October 19, 2012


This week I have successfully stuck with having a deficit of at least 500 calories a day even through my sons birthday party. I actually had a deficit of 1500 that day because I burned so many just cleaning the house and I had cake!

I have been keeping a spreadsheet of calories burned and ate to see if this is really working. Today the spreadsheet says I have burned an extra 4026 calories in the last 4 days and guess what?!? I am down about 1-1.5 lbs this morning. It really could not work any better than that. This is complete proof to me that 3500 calories= 1 lb and all I have to do is create a deficit. It seems so simple to me now.

Forget that screwy points system that makes it seem like magic. Counting calories really is that simple. Even though many of my calories were cake or cookies this week and not a lot of fruits and vegetables I still am losing weight!

Honestly I have also been sweating my butt off for at least an hour a day to make sure I reach my calorie goal, but it is making me feel so much better. When I walk into the store or school I can feel my new muscles giving me extra power and a little bounce in my step. I tried on my jeans I want to fit in and they are still very tight but I can feel my body changing and I know I will fit in them soon.

Another positive I have noticed is that I have steady energy all day. I admit I am lazy in the morning and slow to start, but throughout the day and right up until I fall asleep, I have this steady energy. No highs and lows like I used to have.

I am feeling a little burnt out today and don't want to exercise but these changes I notice are pushing me to do it anyway. I feel like I have devoted a lot of time to food and exercise and I just want to do some crafting, but I must remind myself that my body is the important project right now!



P.S. 6 months from now is April, so by next summer I will actually look good in shorts. 50 lbs in 6 months achievable?  I THINK SO!

I turn 28 in 7 months and I want to feel young and fit, not old and fat!

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